30 Sep

В ИМО МИД Туркменистана состоялась презентация сборника стихов Махтумкули Фраги на грузинском языке

30 сентября 2024 года в Институте международных отношений Министерства иностранных дел Туркменистана состоялась церемония презентации сборника стихов Махтумкули Фраги на грузинском языке. В мероприятии приняли участие представители МИД Туркменистана, дипломатического корпуса и международных организаций, аккредитованных в Туркменистане, литературоведы, ученые, журналисты, профессорско-преподавательский состав и студенты института, а также представители СМИ. Выступившие на презентации оратор...

29 Sep

О встрече с Генеральным секретарём ООН Антониу Гутерришем

28 сентября 2024 года в штаб-квартире Организации Объединенных Наций в Нью-Йорке состоялась встреча Заместителя Председателя Кабинета Министров, Министра иностранных дел Туркменистана Рашида Мередова с Генеральным секретарём ООН Антониу Гутерришем. Генеральный секретарь высоко оценил политику постоянного нейтралитета Туркменистана, подчеркнув, что внешняя политика страны проводимая ее руководством является успешным примером в обеспечении мира и стабильности. Глава ООН выразил признательнос...

28 Sep

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan gave a speech at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly

On September 27, 2024, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov addressed the plenary meeting of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. During his speech, the Minister of Foreign Affairs noted the importance of uniting the efforts of the international community on the path towards achieving universal peace, stability and sustainable development.  It was emphasized that Turkmenistan highly values the strategic multidimensional cooperation with the United Nations.  Pe...

27 Sep

Birleşen Arap Emirlikleriniň Dubaý şäherinde ýerleşýän «Burj Halifa» binasynyň ýüzünde türkmen baýdagynyň şekili şöhlelendirildi

Milli senenamamyzyň iň naýbaşy baýramçylygy – Garaşsyzlyk güni tutuş ýurdumyzda giň gerimde bellenildi. Il-ulsumyz bilen birlikde, dünýä jemgyýetçiligi hem bu baýramyň şatlygyna goşuldy. Soňky ýyllarda dostlukly döwletlerde iri şäherleriň belent başly binalaryny Türkmenistanyň Döwlet tugunyň ýalkym saçýan şekilinde bezäp, türkmen halkyny milli baýramy bilen gutlamak asylly däbe öwrüldi. Garaşsyzlygymyzyň şanly 33 ýyllygy mynasybetli bellenilen gününde Birleşen Arap Emirlikleriniň Dubaý şäherinde...

25 Sep

Meeting of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan

On September 24, 2024, the successive meeting of the Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council) of Turkmenistan was held at the “Maslahat Köşgi” Palace of the capital under the chairmanship of the National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The crucial issues of state life were discussed at this national conference held on the eve of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s independence. The historic meeting was attended by the leadership of government...

25 Sep

Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan met with the head of the Intergovernmental Coordination Council on Seed Issues of the CIS

On September 24, 2024, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with the head of the Intergovernmental Coordination Council on Seed Issues of the CIS I. Kuzmin, who took part in the International Scientific Conference "Achieved Milestones and Set Tasks in Seed Production of Agricultural Crops", and was also awarded the highest state award of Turkmenistan. Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to meet in person a...

23 Sep

Presidents of Turkmenistan and the Russian Federation held a telephone conversation

On 22 September 2024, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation. The Head of the Russian Federation cordially congratulated the President of Turkmenistan on his birthday and wished him good health, prosperity and further success in his responsible state work.   He also noted the great personal contribution of the National Leader of Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty to strengthening bilat...