Year 2025 - International Year
of Peace and Trust
In accordance with the fundamental transformations taking place under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in the academic research centers of the country, higher educational institutions, in scientific and technological, scientific and clinical, research and design centers, in experimental production laboratories, interdepartmental organizations and specialized entities, a new generation of scientists engaged in fundamental research in various fields has been formed.
The scientific sphere is developing at the global level, its legislative, material and technical base is being systematically strengthened, many opportunities are being created for carrying out research work in priority areas of science, training young scientists and highly qualified specialists.
Guided by the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019-2025, fundamental research in various areas is carried out in higher educational institutions, in scientific-technological, scientific-clinical and scientific-project centers, in experimental-production laboratories.
In 2020, the President of Turkmenistan adopted the “Program for the Transition of the Sphere of Science in Turkmenistan to a Digital System for 2020–2025 and the “State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Chemical Science and Technology in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025”.
By introducing world standards into the educational process, Turkmenistan is building up cooperation with the UN in the humanitarian sphere. Turkmenistan was twice elected to the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development - from 2014 to 2016, and then for 2017-2020.
According to the news received from the UN headquarters in New York, Turkmenistan was elected to the membership of two more United Nations structures that make up the United Nations Economic and Social Council - the Commission for Social Development for 2021-2025 and the Commission on Science and Technology for Development for 2021-2024.
Talented youth are effectively working in the field of nanotechnology, scientific research, energy, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication systems, modern medicine and pharmaceuticals, innovative economics, humanities, etc.
Every year, government support is significantly expanding, the material and technical base of science is being strengthened, while the funding of promising research, experimental and technological developments is improving. Along with this, the Fund of the President of Turkmenistan for the Support of Young Scientists and the Science Development Fund continue to work.
The development of Turkmen science is carried out on a systematic basis. Thus, the Program for the Transition of the Sphere of Science in Turkmenistan to a Digital System for 2020–2025 and the State Program for the Comprehensive Development of Chemical Science and Technology in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025 were adopted. The implementation of these strategically significant programs has given dynamics to the improvement of this area, has made it possible to form an efficient, sustainable and cost-effective digital scientific system based on IT technologies, to achieve a close interface between science and production in accordance with the world's best practices, and to scientifically substantiate the management of various sectors of the economy. In addition, this contributes to the activation of the creation of new software necessary for research and development, attracting young people to scientific, engineering and technological and entrepreneurial activities.
Research institutes and the Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences are actively working to introduce innovations in the development of the fuel and energy complex, as well as to address issues of energy saving. Studying alternative energy sources, Turkmen scientists create new technologies for the production of electricity, exploration, development, production and use of hydrocarbon deposits, conduct research on the conversion of fuel into electrical and thermal energy.
Scientists are also engaged in research in the field of agriculture, medicine, pharmaceutical and food industries, molecular biology, genetics, bioengineering, biomedicine. Alongside, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov orients the country’s intellectual and technological resource to the necessity of creating a genetic fund of flora and fauna, study environmental issues, use the potential of the national space satellite, form transport and logistics centers, and scientifically substantiate the political and economic significance of international transport and transit corridors.
The Turkmen academic science has many topical developments, including hydro chemical studies of collector-drainage waters of the Turkmen lake “Altyn Asyr” system, on the basis of which ecological maps have been compiled, which have become a guideline for the development of agriculture, animal husbandry, and fish farming in the arid zone. In accordance with the “Concept for the development of the Turkmen Lake region “Altyn Asyr” for 2019–2025”, a new type of social and production complex was laid in this area with the participation of the Leader of the nation.
According to the “Program for the Development of Innovation Activities in Turkmenistan”, scientific research is being carried out on the protection of the environment and biological diversity of the Caspian Sea, the study of its tectonics, seismic activity. This is of great scientific and practical importance, taking into account plans for the socio-economic development of the western region of the country, the development of its hydrocarbon and other natural resources, the implementation of transport and transit potential, the construction of large chemical, oil and gas processing enterprises here, as well as sanatorium and resort facilities in the National Tourist Zone “Avaza”.
It should be noted that the institutes of the Academy of Sciences continue their systematic work within the framework of the implementation of the “Program for the reduction of seismic risk in seismically hazardous zones of Turkmenistan”, approved in January 2019 by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. A number of projects in this area are carried out in partnership with the Japan International Cooperation Agency, the United Nations Development Program and other reputable organizations.
According to the instructions of the head of the Turkmen state, scientists of the Academy of Sciences developed a feasibility study for the integrated development of the mineral resources of the Garabogazgol Bay. The project, commissioned by the “Türkmenhimiýa” (Turkmen Chemistry) State Concern, provides for the construction of three workshops on the basis of the “Garabogazsulfat” production association - for the production of anhydrous sodium sulfate, magnesium sulfate (epsomite) and magnesium chloride (bischofite). As ordered by the “Turkmenabat” Chemical Plant, scientific and technical conditions have been prepared for the development of the “Durnaly” phosphorite site of the Magdanly-Koytendag mining basin.
The list of “intellectual products” of domestic scientists - research, scientific inventions for which patents have been obtained - is growing day by day. This is the development of the structure of building materials based on local raw materials, new varieties of medium and fine staple cotton, adapted to the soil and climatic conditions of the regions, methods of fixing the sands of the Karakum desert. Among them, the pharmaceuticals created on the basis of fundamental encyclopedic work of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan” and many other things that have found application in various fields should be noted.
At the Institute of Chemistry, the chemical composition of ordinary harmala plant and its constituent elements were studied. Since ancient times, this plant has been widely used in traditional medicine as an effective remedy for the treatment of infectious diseases. As a result, domestic specialists have developed a universal method that allows briquetting the medicinal plant under a certain pressure without using any external components. A corresponding patent was obtained for this invention from the State Service for Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Finance and Economy.
On June 12, the International Scientific Conference “Science, Technology and Innovative Technologies in the Era of Might and Happiness” was held. It is traditionally held in Turkmenistan and is timed to coincide with the Day of Science. The forum was organized online. Modern means of communication made it possible to unite Turkmen scientists, teachers, young researchers and representatives of scientific circles from twenty countries of the world around topical issues of various areas of science. Among them are Japan, Republic of Korea, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Poland, Turkey, Russian Federation, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and India.
Every year, the national scientific system is replenished with new personnel. This is evidenced by the growing number of participants in the annual competition of scientific works of the young scientists. On the occasion of the Day of Science, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the competition among young scientists, held jointly by the Academy of Sciences and the Central Council of the Makhtumkuli Youth Organization, was held in the Conference hall of the Oguz Han Engineering and Technological University. The intellectual competition is annually attended by young employees of research institutes, industrial associations, scientific and technical enterprises, teachers and students of universities, students of secondary specialized educational institutions and schools, Turkmen citizens of any profession who are interested in active scientific activities.
Special attention at the 2020 competition was given to such spheres as nanotechnology, energy, biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics, information and communication systems, computer technology, modern production of medical and pharmaceutical products, innovative digital economy.
In 2020, according to the Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the Center for Innovative Information of the Ministry of Education was established, the “Program for improving the activities of preschool institutions in the field of early development and preliminary preparation of children for school in Turkmenistan for 2020-2025” and the “Concept for improving the teaching of natural and exact sciences in Turkmenistan” were approved. The Academy of Sciences monitored the implementation of 346 works in priority areas of science and technology. Three doctoral, 14 master’s theses have been presented, and corresponding academic degrees have been awarded.
Provide all conditions for the maximum realization of the intellectual potential of the nation – that is the aim of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. The initiatives of the head of state are guided, first of all, by the high accountability for the destiny of the Motherland, for the future of the present and all coming generations of Turkmen citizens who will live and work in an age of rapidly developing scientific and technological progress, in the age of the greatest achievements of human thought.